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Top 5 Best Pool Cleaners in Crowdfunding

Project We Hunt

We use a special analysis model designed by our professional team, called F-P-E to hunt projects on Kickstarter.

1. Kickstarter - AIPER Seagull 3000
AIPER Seagull 3000: Wall-Climbing Cordless Pool Cleaner

Our Score: 9.8/10/10

2. Kickstarter - WYBOT Robotic Pool Cleaner With Solar Power
WYBOT Robotic Pool Cleaner With Solar Power

Our Score: 9.8/10/9.9

3. Kickstarter - Degrii Zima Pro
Degrii Zima Pro – Ultrasonic Radar Cordless Pool Cleaner

Our Score: 9.8/10/9.9

4. Kickstarter - Solar-Breeze Next Generation Solar Robotic Pool Cleaner
Solar-Breeze Next Generation Solar Robotic Pool Cleaner

Our Score: 9/9.8/8

5. Kickstarter - BlueNexus - Mapping and Path Planning Cordless Pool Cleaner
BlueNexus - Mapping and Path Planning Cordless Pool Cleaner

Our Score: 9/9.5/9

1. AIPER Seagull 3000: Wall-Climbing Cordless Pool Cleaner

1. Kickstarter - AIPER Seagull 3000

Funding Progress on Kickstarter

Product Differentiation Features


Project Performance


The project gained 1575 backers in 60 days. Amount raised $1,180,571, which is the highest amount of crowdfunding in Kickstarte pool cleaner category. The project received more than $200,000 in backing on the first day of launch and maintained a steady growth rate over the next 60 days. During the crowdfunding period, the project initiator provided more than 40% discount, which well expressed the sincerity of crowdfunding.

Fulfillment Efficiency


The project is expected to ship in June 2022, and the project sponsor is on schedule to ship in June.

2. WYBOT Robotic Pool Cleaner With Solar Power

2. Kickstarter - WYBOT Robotic Pool Cleaner With Solar Power

Funding Progress on Kickstarter

Product Differentiation Features


Project Performance


In a span of 55 days, the project garnered support from 812 backers, resulting in a total funding of €483,619. Notably, the project experienced a significant boost with an impressive €90,000 contribution on its initial launch day, followed by sustained growth throughout the subsequent 54 days. During the crowdfunding campaign, the project initiator generously provided backers with a remarkable discount exceeding 62%, showcasing a noteworthy degree of goodwill.

Fulfillment Efficiency


Originally slated for shipment in June 2023, the project encountered a minor setback necessitating a one-month delay, with the new expected shipping date set for July. Throughout this adjustment period, the project initiator diligently kept backers informed and engaged in open communication.

3. Degrii Zima Pro – Ultrasonic Radar Cordless Pool Cleaner

3. Kickstarter - Degrii Zima Pro

Funding Progress on Kickstarter

Product Differentiation Features


Project Performance


Over a span of 60 days, the project garnered the support of 788 backers, resulting in a total funding of $515,414. While the project initially faced a slow start during its first two weeks of launch, it notably gained significant traction in the final three weeks, ultimately finding popularity in the market. Throughout the crowdfunding campaign, the project sponsor enticed backers with a generous 40% discount.

Fulfillment Efficiency


Originally scheduled for shipment in April 2023, the project’s actual delivery was postponed until May. Despite this one-month delay, the project sponsor diligently kept lines of communication open and maintained regular contact with the backers.

4. Solar-Breeze Next Generation Solar Robotic Pool Cleaner

4. Kickstarter - Solar-Breeze Next Generation Solar Robotic Pool Cleaner

Funding Progress on Kickstarter

Product Differentiation Features


Project Performance


The project gained 758 backers in 42 days. Amount Raised $408,078. the project received $160,000 in backers on the first day it went live, which is a huge achievement in 2015

Fulfillment Efficiency


The project was expected to ship in October 2015, and the real shipment was not made until March 2016.

5. BlueNexus - Mapping and Path Planning Cordless Pool Cleaner

5. Kickstarter - BlueNexus - Mapping and Path Planning Cordless Pool Cleaner

Funding Progress on Kickstarter

Product Differentiation Features


Project Performance


Over the course of 40 days, the project secured the support of 522 backers, resulting in a total funding of $340,791. A noteworthy milestone was the substantial $70,000 backing received on the very first day of the project’s launch. Most notably, the project’s promoter extended a generous 50% discount to the backers, making their support even more appealing.

Fulfillment Efficiency


The project is currently scheduled to be shipped in October 2023. At the time of this update, the project sponsor has initiated the process of collecting shipping information and is preparing for the upcoming shipping phase, which will commence shortly.

Allen Jones

Allen Jones

Allen Jones, a Columbia Marketing alumnus with a decade in crowdfunding, founded Hunt4Best in 2019. A crowdfunding pioneer, he noticed faux "crowdfunding communities" aggregating projects without real community spirit. To counter this, he led a team to create Hunt4Best—an authentic crowdfunding community. It dissects industry trends, showcases top projects, and fosters crowdfunding expertise exchange. With his team, Jones developed the F-P-E analysis model, a comprehensive framework driving Hunt4Best's operations.

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