Maghni AI: A Popstar in Your Pocket

An advanced neural network synthesizer capable of high-quality vocals straight from your computer!

Launch time: 2023.12.26
Maghni AI is a cutting-edge singing vocal synthesizer developed by VocaTone Studio in collaboration with Misbah Studios. It is designed to facilitate music production by allowing users to easily create realistic and natural singing using an advanced AI algorithm trained on professional singers’ data. Users can effortlessly select a singer library, draw notes, input lyrics, and play, with extensive customization options for vibrato, pronunciation, pitch bends, and various vocal parameters. The synthesizer offers a diverse range of languages, vocalists, and voice types, suitable for a variety of musical genres. Maghni AI represents a significant leap in vocal synthesis technology, catering to music producers, songwriters, and educators, providing a versatile tool for creating and teaching music​​.