M-Cube | Modular Laser Measure that Evolve with Your Demand
4 Modules Build to Adapt | 328ft 100m Fast Laser| Up to 17 Functions, Smart Planner, Bilateral Laser, Rolling Ruler and much more
Launch time: 2023.11.1
The M-Cube represents a flexible and adaptable modular laser measuring device, tailored to meet diverse measurement requirements. Its assortment of modules, such as the Smart Planner, Bilateral Laser, Green Cross-Level, and Scale Rolling Ruler, ensures accurate and efficient measurements for various tasks. The user-friendly magnetic locking mechanism allows for seamless interchanging between modules, enhancing overall user convenience. Through the Smart Planner feature, users can effortlessly create floor plans in any direction, significantly streamlining the process. The patent-designed One-Tap button facilitates precise measurements for edges and corners with ease. The M-Cube’s advanced auto-calibration guarantees accuracy, even when not held perfectly at 0°, while the M-Green Line function ensures top-notch vertical and horizontal alignment, making it a valuable tool for quick and precise measurements. With its customizable and modular design, the M-Cube offers an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution, empowering users to customize their laser measuring experience.