Maslow4.1 - Accessible Large Format CNC Router

Bringing your digial projects to life!

Launch time: 2024.11.11
The Maslow 4.1 is an accessible, large-format CNC router designed to bring digital designs to life affordably and efficiently. Capable of cutting plywood, hardwood, plastic, sheetrock, and even aluminum, it features an upright or floor-mountable design and operates via WiFi, Bluetooth, or USB-C connections without requiring an internet connection. Building on its predecessors, the Maslow 4.1 offers upgraded hardware, a streamlined self-calibration process, and open-source compatibility, allowing for user customization and tinkering. With precision cutting powered by servo motors and an advanced control board, Maslow 4.1 makes CNC fabrication accessible to makers, hobbyists, and professionals alike.